DUI Wrecks
After Just A Couple Of Drinks DUI Wrecks Impact Families Forever
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is when a driver operates a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, drugs or both. These wrecks are often times very severe and usually result in serious injury and death.
If you or someone you know has been injured by a DUI driver, it is important that you call a Georgia DUI Attorney at the J. Stein Law Firm right away. Our firm has successfully sued countless drunk drivers.
Our firm seeks punitive (heightened) damages when suing a drunk driver. Our firm does not/will not let drunk drivers off easy. Our firm will not only sue the drunk driver but work with prosecutors to ensure the drunk driver also faces criminal prosecution and punishment to the utmost limits of the law. We also work with local county governments to collect on Victim Assistance Funds for our clients.