Daycare Injuries

Frustration and Anger may result in the aftermath of a daycare injury, Allow Our Team To Help Put Things Back Together


We trust these daycares to protect our children and return them home in the same condition in which we dropped them off. Sadly, that does not always happen. We often represent the families of children who have been injured at daycare due to a lack of supervision by their teacher, inadequate staffing, failure to properly train and hire staff, improper discipline or unsafe equipment and conditions.

Fortunately, our state has an agency called Bright From the Start which was created to monitor and police Georgia daycare facilities. Bright From the Start provides rule and regulations which govern Georgia daycare facilities. You can learn more about Bright From the Start here:

The J. Stein Law Firm has handled injury claims in daycare facilities from such incidents as:

  • physical abuse by daycare employees
  • burns from hot liquids
  • bullying
  • orthopedic injuries from defective playground equipment
  • orthopedic injuries from falling equipment or falls
  • improper discipline
  • children left unattended


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